First Look: August Pin Lover's Club and Exclusive Mini-Pinnie Pattern!

July 28, 2020

"I can leave the sea, but the sea never leaves me." Whether you remember a seaside visit of the past or dream of one yet to come, August's Pin Lover's Club  trio and the Sea Star Mini-Pinnie will have you hearing waves and smelling salt air.

The August Pin-Mini At The Shore includes three delightful beach-inspired pins-- sand dollar, lighthouse, and seashell. We hope each brings you a moment of joy and hope for adventures yet to come.

The Sea Star Mini-Pinnie dimensional starfish pincushion is a perfect home for your At The Shore pins. The pattern includes directions for two styles- a delightful 3D pincushion finish that sits flat on your sewing table or a fast-finish version. The pattern for the Sea Star Mini-Pinnie is included in the August Pin Lover's Club package.

  • August Pin Lover's Club (includes At The Shore Pin-Mini and Sea Star Mini-Pinnie instructions) ships to club members August 1st.
  • Not a member but want to join in the fun? Join right away to receive this pattern and set of pins as your first shipment! You can learn more about the club and join here: Pin Lover's Club.


Laura Lee Ferree

Laura Lee Ferree said:

This is so…. very cute! I must have one !

Dee Johnson

Dee Johnson said:

I am loving the Sea-Star Mini pinnie and At The Shore pins. I can’t wait for my delivery!! Thank you, thank you.

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