First Look: March Pin Lover's Club & Mini-Pinnie

February 20, 2020

Welcome the start of spring with the March Pin Lover's Club! We think you will adore the precious pairing of our Sheep Fold Mini-Pinnie and the March Pin Lover's Club pins! Together they create a charming celebration of all things new, green, and in bloom!

The March Pin-Mini collection is called Fields of Cover. The trio of pins includes bright, spring-green ivy leaves, a bold bloom, and a fluffy little sheep!

The Sheep Fold Mini-Pinnie is our take on the classic Sheep Fold patchwork block. The patches in this block combine to create a sheep fold (a shelter or pen for sheep). The center section represents a lovely pasture for the fluffy sheep while the grey blocks create a strong and protective shelter. This block is simply perfect for this month's pins! We've sewn ours using bright greens and soft grays from fabric by Coriander Quilts. And of course, turned the block into a quilted pincushion!

Another thing we love about this mini-pinnie? It is scrap friendly! The largest piece is only 5" square, making it the perfect project to create from your scrap bin!

  • The pattern for the Sheep Fold Mini-Pinnie is available to download here: Sheep Fold Mini-Pinnie.
  • The March Pin Lover Club (includes the Fields of Clover Pin-Mini) ships to club members March 1st.
  • Not a member but want to join in the fun? Join by March 1st to receive this pattern and set of pins. You can learn more about the club and join here: Pin Lover's Club.

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