Holiday Pin Picks!

December 05, 2019

Are you looking to add a touch of holiday cheer to your favorite pin cushion or perhaps a handmade gift for the stitchers in your life? We've got you covered! We've picked a few of our favorite Pin-Mini collection packs that we think are perfect tiny touches for the holidays.

No holiday tree is complete without twinkling lights and neither is your pincushion! Brighten your favorite pinnie with a set of Holiday Lights!

Modeled after some of our favorite vintage ornaments, Bright & Shiny is a lovely trio with add a touch of nostalgia to your sewing table.

Here in the midwest, Christmas often means snow. The Snow Season Pin-Mini has little bits of our favorite things about winter- snowflakes, snowmen, and Cardinals!

You can't have Christmas without Santa! The Holiday Pin-Mini features our favorite guy along with a peppermint swirl and a festive holly leaf.

Need more ideas for gifts for the stitchers on your holiday list? Check out all our Just Pins and Pin-Mini pins: JABC Handmade Pins.


Tammi R Gemaehlich

Tammi R Gemaehlich said:

Love these pins wish I had ordered the lamb ones when I ordered my kit may have to get more! I love them and your tutorial on how to do them. Seems more settled on the button your way.

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