#MakeSomeHappy: Fall Square to Stitch or Sew

November 04, 2020

JABC - Fall Square to Stitch or Sew



That's our motto as we ship handmade and hand-dyed buttons for the projects that keep hands busy and hearts happy-- #makesomehappy.

Lots of people are uncovering UFO's or treasured patterns saved for a rainy day, but if you are ready for something new, here's a sweet Fall Square that's simple enough to make for gifts and it's button-able -- maybe even from your stash.

Enter discount code makesomehappy and the downloads are free!


What will you make?

You'll find a link below to print both a cross stitch chart and a pattern for applique.  Whether you stitch or sew, we think you'll enjoy turning the Fall Square into a mug rug, candle mat or simple framed piece. 

The design is planned for a 6 x 6" area--on 14 ct. fabric if you are cross stitching. DMC floss colors are suggested, but the pumpkin and flower would stitch up even faster using hand-dyed floss.

JABC - Fall Square Applique

For an applique version of the Fall Square, use our full-size patterns.  We drew shapes for a flower in two shades of yellow and a pumpkin in three shades of orange, but if you are using your stash of hand-dyed felted wool, you may choose to cut fewer layers. Add hand embroidery for the details. We show cross stitches for the border, but any stitch will do--or even a row of buttons!


Got buttons?

If you ordered a Fall Blackbird Mix, you have the buttons we show in the images--small blackbird, small green pumpkin and small yellow maple leaf.  Of course we added seasonal Sprinkles!   Here's a "button spill" of the Fall Blackbird Mix.

JABC - Fall Blackbird Mix 

Please enjoy this little project -- make some happy! And don't forget to use your discount code so the pattern and chart are free.  makesomehappy

Click here for the cross stitch chart.

Click here for the applique instructions and pattern.

Click here to order Fall Blackbird Mix buttons.

Happy November!


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