New Digital Pattern: Seasonal Sliders…on Ice!

January 07, 2019

Did you know we recently began adding digital pdf patterns to our store?

If you are like us, when you spot a new pattern you can not wait to start making it! The wait for a pattern to arrive in the mail can feel like forever! That is why we are so thrilled to now offer some of our patterns in a digital format. Simply purchase, download and save it to your computer. Then print and stitch! It could not be easier! 

We are not only adding new pattern designs, like our Warm Table Runner, but we are also revisiting some of our previous patterns that are fan favorites. First up is our Seasonal Slider… On Ice pattern!

Our Slider patterns are fun bite-sized pincushions that are both cute and quick to stitch!

Each pattern includes three styles of Sliders that coordinate to create a fun themed display.

Arrange them together in a bowl on your sewing table or keep one and gift the others to friends. They are so fun to make and share!

We know that many of you LOVE kits! To make it easier for your to create your Seasonal Sliders… On Ice, we’ve created a supply bundle that will get you started. Each bundle includes 3 wool felt pre-cut scallop squares. The colors included are the three colors shown in the Sliders in the pattern. The bundle also includes the handmade and hand-dyed buttons shown on the three designs. To complete the bundle, we’ve included our W is for Warm Just Pins JP174 collection that is featured on the Warm Up Slider shown above.

To complete your Sliders, you will need to add additional wool or felt from your stash, embroidery floss for stitching, and wool roving or fiber fill for stuffing, all sold separately.

This little trio of Sliders is one of our favorites! We hope you will love stitching them as much as we did! Don’t forget, the pattern is available now by download and also pre-printed. Links for both formats are included below! We’ll be adding more patterns to our digital pattern shop soon so keep watching for more updates!


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