We’re Back Online!

June 26, 2015

It was Black Thursday—April 30th—when our website went berserk.  First the wheels fell off the Shopping Cart and then the Search Box forgot how to spell and then entire pages began to play hide-and-seek. We kept in touch with you by phone and email, taking lots of deep breaths as one fix after another led to more digital issues. 

Some things that we did to stay busy while living under our digital black cloud:

  • Four Buttoneers celebrated birthdays and three celebrated graduations. And JABC marked it’s 19th anniversary! 
  • Rachel bought a new house AND had a baby. That’s right—we have another Miss Button!
  • Miss Amelia Button learned at least 75 new words, including sunshine and helicopter. She’s mastered all the hand movements to accompany Wheels on the Bus, and she is thrilled that the new baby doll at her house (Miss Anna Button) has real hair—not the molded, painted-on variety.


  • [Square.ology] releases [AHOY] and [SCARE.OLOGY] were shipped to shops, and Juicy Fruits Sliders slid in right behind. New [WHIMSY} and halloween Sliders are underway!


  • Row by Row launched in quilt shops all over North America and we shipped a boat-load of water-themed buttons to happy shops.
  • On a related note, Buttoneer Darla drilled 132,730 holes in JABC buttons and Dawn labeled and filled about 6000 little zip bags.


  • Meanwhile Cecile learned a bunch of tech-speak from the support team at our hosting company—and the first names of EVERY team member. Sadly, none of these smart-guys could figure out how masses of digital garbage could suddenly clog my site when all I did was upgrade the server to handle credit cards more safely.

We needed a real human to help.  Enter our Database Ninja—Brittany.  She’s been working round-the-clock since the end of May to fix what she called the Perfect Storm hidden behind our site.  I pictured cleaning out a closet.  Brittany pulled everything out and was amazed at how it all could have fit into a space so small.  Apparently she found over a half a million digital mismatched socks and broken tennis rackets that should have been pitched months ago.

Thanks to Brittany, storm damage is repaired, the closet is clean and the wheels are back on the shopping cart. Plus, our brand new website maintenance plan is in place.

We love our customers—we appreciate that you continued to call and email us when you couldn’t get the site to work!  To thank you for weathering the storm—we are offering free shipping on all online orders through July 8th, up to $10 value. Includes wholesale and retail orders.

A last deep breath as we put this chapter behind us,


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